What we do


What are the Mount Waverley Uniting Church ministries?

The Social Justice and Mission in Society Committee is the primary mission arm of the Uniting Churches in Mt Waverley. It has representatives from High Street Road, St John’s, St Luke’s, St Mark’s and the Melbourne Fijian Uniting Churches. This committee supports agencies of the Uniting Care Synod of Victoria & Tasmania, and the Uniting Church Assembly activities internationally  through Uniting World, and nationally through Frontier Services. They support the Australian Council of Churches Christmas Bowl with other churches and regularly host major community seminars and public forums on environmental and social concerns, including Asylum Seekers and Climate Change. They also support initiatives of their local congregations such as the work of the Monash-Waverley Community Information & Support group, the Mission Liaison Group, West Papua and East Timor and they encourage participation in activities of the Synod Justice and International Mission Unit.

The Monash Interfaith Gathering is a collaborative representation of various faiths and beliefs committed to working together toward understanding, respect, dignity and justice. The Gathering seeks to build bridges between people of all faiths and beliefs within the community of Monash and defends the right of members of all faiths and beliefs to practise and celebrate their own religion and to respect the rights of others to hold their chosen beliefs.

Mt Waverley Chadstone Interchurch Council is an ecumenical group of thirteen Christian churches in the Mt Waverley area, representing seven different denominations. Each year they organise major ecumenical events including ‘Carols in the Village’ at Christmas and ‘Way of the Cross’ on Good Friday. They also organise and distribute ‘Food for Friends’ for families in need at Christmas.

Cabrini Ashwood

Cabrini Aged Care Ashwood. Our ministers and lay people provide monthly devotions, weekly visiting and chaplaincy services to residents at this aged care facility.

Wesley Neurological Support Services, previously known as Arthur Preston Residential Services, and now under the auspices of Uniting, has been a cause dear to the hearts of HSRUC folk for many years. Our ministers and lay people provide monthly devotions and friendship to the residents and their families at this facility. We also provide financial support.  WNSS cares for people with Huntington’s Disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal and acquired brain injuries.

Possible Dreams International Choir

Possible Dreams International is a non-profit organisation which partners with remote and rural communities in Swaziland, Southern Africa to empower families and individuals living with extreme poverty, malnutrition and endemic disease.

Frontier Services supports people living in remote areas covering over 85% of Australia. Their primary purpose is to raise funds to support the Uniting Church in Australia through its network of Patrol Ministers, in their pastoral work with indigenous communities, isolated properties, mining sites and other remotely located communities.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry. Hundreds of woollen shawls have been knitted by members of both our congregations. They are blessed during a Church service and then given to any members or friends and strangers as well, both here and overseas, who are in need of our prayers and support during difficult times. They are also given at times of joy and thanksgiving.

Uniting-St Mark’s Day Care Program. This is an adult day and respite service that supports older people living in the City of Monash, including those who are frail, have mild dementia, or are socially isolated. It is a place where lives are affirmed and there is inclusion and fun. We support our sister church by sharing worship and Holy Communion with those attending twice a month.

Kids Hope Mentors and Prayer Partners

Kids Hope Mentors and Prayer Partners. St John’s Congregation have been supporting Kids Hope for many years. Kids Hope is Australia’s largest early intervention, school-based mentoring program for children experiencing vulnerability. Since 2004, Kids Hope has impacted thousands of children who, through care and support, have seen their lives transformed and now experience increased confidence, resilience, and joy.

The model is simple… One Child, One Mentor, One Hour a week. The impact… Immeasurable!


Adult Growth & Development

We believe that like Creation, our faith is ever unfolding and needs nurturing and encouraging. To that end, our Adult Growth and Development Committee has evolved with our sister Uniting Churches in Mt Waverley and Chadstone. Recent programs included:

The Major Social Issues Facing People Living in our Area – led by the former Mayor of the City of Monash, Stefanie Perri.

Presentation of Learnings Concerning how Churches in Portland, Oregon have Changed in Response to Changes in Community presented by Rev Julie Ross following her USA exchange.

Lincoln Street Uniting Methodist Church, Portland, Oregon, USA – a wonderful, welcoming, inclusive community!

Beyond Belief – three study sessions based on the first four chapters of Australian Social researcher Hugh Mackay.

A Time of Change – Western Church in the 21st Century – presented by Dr John Flett of Pilgrim Theological College.

End of Life Issues, Palliative Care and the Victorian Assisted Dying Legislation – Q&A with Professor Paul Komesaroff, Physician and Ethicist, Monash University; Professor Jenny Philip, Melbourne University and Winsome Thomas, Psychologist.


Some recent reads.

The Library at Mount Waverley Uniting Church, although relatively small, have a broad range of books by contemporary biblical, theological and sociological scholars, together with works on current social issues, both local and international; history, politics and some excellent novels.


What are we doing locally and globally?

Women’s Fellowship and Support Groups Outreach Circle meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month for morning tea and a guest speaker.

Friendship Circle meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month for morning tea and craft.

Men’s Luncheon meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 11.45am for lunch and a guest speaker.

Connections Support Group meet once a month for morning teas with a guest speaker to raise money for “Uniting” – the social service arm of the Uniting Church in Victoria & Tasmania.

Wednesday Cell Group meets weekly in private homes for study, fellowship and discussion.

Meditation Group meets on the 1st Tuesday afternoon each month at 2.30pm led by our minister Julie and is followed by afternoon tea.

Saturday Club meets on the first Saturday evening of each month and offers a wide range of social activities for everyone.